so everything is great!! we got a call from the zone leaders telling us about changes. so hermana chiquin got called to be a trainer again, so we will not be compaions this change. but the good things is that we just had a new area open up in metapan, and hermana chiquin will be training there. And i will get a new companion, but will continue to work in my area in metapan. So we are getting two more hermanas in our area, and we will all be living together in the house i am staying in now. I am very excited for this change, and i just know we are going to get so much work done here this change. WHOO!! haha i will probably get another latina compaion..which i am ok with because i love latinas!! some of the nicest people i have ever met!! and i will still be the only gringa in my district. :)
this week we had two baptisms. Hermano Ricardo, and then a teenager, Hermana Katherine on saturday. Hermano ricardo is amazing. he has such a good spirit about him, and he is so excited to progress in the gospel. his goal is to get to the temple next year. all the members just love him to death to. i am always so amazed when we find people who are ready to hear this gospel, and who wants a change in their lives. as for hermana katherine, well she is one of the nieces of my first investigator we baptized here. its sad to say, but i wasnt really close to her. when we asked her for baptism, she told us no. But then one of our elders here, elder velasquez asked her if she wanted to get batpized..she said yes. but elder velasquez does that with all the girls here in metapan. flirts with them, then baptizes them. so it really didnt feel right for her to get baptized, because i feel like she just got baptized for him. On sunday, we waited for her to come to church..we were excited because she was going to be confirmed a member. she never showed up. and when we asked her cousins where she was, they told us that she didnt want to go to church, and that she was busy. we passed by for her yesterday in the night, to see what was up, and she didnt want to talk to us. haha oh all the teenage girls here, and this elder. drives me freakin nuts!!
haha but all is well here. nothings much has changed, just continue to work hard everyday. we had a "sister reunion" this week with all the hermanas in the mission. that was a lot of fun. we got to hang out with president and his wife for a day, and they fed us lunch and we played basketball and futbol. it was fun to kinda let our hair down for a day. lol
well, that is all for this week. i will fill you in more next week about my new companion and everything. love you all!!!!!
with much love, hermana thomas
p.s. mitch and gina......FELICIDADES!!! i am just so happy for you two. i knew from the moment you two met, that you would get married. congratulations for taking this big step in your lives. :) oh by the two will have really cute babies...i just know it. jaja